Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Caste System

I am writing a reflection about caste systems in general. To me, these caste systems are an unfair way to group different people in different ranks. Lets take the ancient Indian Caste system for example, if you are born as a fisherman, you will forever be a fisherman which to me shows that the kings only thought about their family ruling but not giving anyone else a chance. I think, it would make alot of difference if the system was not so strict. In China and in the southeast asia, the caste system is much more flexible as it allowed people to move from one rank to another, giving people the chance to try out new things and gain more experence in other things like from fishing to carpenting. All in all, the caste systeem is a reliable way to stay in power but if not closely monitered, rebellions would occur. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Recently, we had a history 'exhibition'. I myself, have learnt a lot of history in educational terms. But also, I have learnt to work together as a team and has learn alot of mistakes that should have been corrected. For once, I really should have maked the worksheet in the computer so that the teacher wont have to ask where my worksheets are. Next, I have also learnt that I should have taken the inisiative to give work to my group members so that theywill not hesitate to do what they have to do. These are the things I should have done as a leader. Apart from the faults, our group as managed it enough so that it is presentable to the teacher and the other class.